Dear %username%,
First of all, thanks for choosing as your favorite online shopping partner.
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Coupon and recommendation cannot be used in the same order, which won’t affect your income.
Effective Duration: 60 days
For your convenience, we designed few logos, banners and some hot sales that may easy for your business. Click the link below for more details..
Kindly Reminder: Pleases update your own promotion as soon as possible to ensure your income, Don’t forget to remove the invalid coupon code speciallyJ
Good News : we will launch ‘Quick Coins Withdraw’ system soon, as expected, this will help you withdraw your coins much faster and easier.
Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any further question concerns this issue.
Best regards
Kelly. Wu
Marketing Manager
Если вкратце, то не видать нам больше купонов больше 5%, не видать одновременной скидки от реферала и купона. А вот "Quick Coins Withdraw" заинтересовало. Особенно если учесть недавние проблемы с начислением коинсов.